Jennifer Carolyn King, the co-founder of Rugged Elegance, hired SLD&i to brand the parent company and illustrate a set of twelve printed San Francisco neighborhood guides as well as illustrate an aerial map of San Francisco. The guides list establishments that embody 'rugged elegance', an aesthetic which celebrates the luxurious use of raw, natural materials. This may include anything from a restaurant that tastefully uses fine stoneware to a shoe store that hand-crafts their leather goods on-site. Each guide poetically describes the character of each neighborhood. For further information, readers can find business profiles on the matching Rugged Elegance website and each is signified by a window decal.
These hand-drawn neighborhood guides celebrate a by-gone, bespoke era and promote exquisite San Francisco businesses that relish natural materials.

Business card and notecard from award-winning, embossed and engraved identity set.

Examples of neighborhood medallions.

Vignette from the illustrated San Francisco aerial map.

Example of a neighborhood medallion notecard sitting on a section of the San Francisco aerial map.

The inside of the Union Square neighborhood guide (upright), Rugged Elegance window decal, and North Beach neighborhood map.

Section of the Union Square guide and the Hayes Valley guide (upright) atop the San Francisco map.